Rahu Yantra


Rahu Yantra


Rahu Yantra —North node of the moon, demi-planet who stands in the face of opposition 

Original Artwork for the Yantra Wisdom Collection & Deck
Watercolor and Gouache on watercolor paper
14 x 10 inches

Rāhu, the north shadow, rules the plane of the mind. When the mind is veiled it can fabricate lethargy, dullness, and confusion. As it is cast by light, Rāhu’s shadow has the potential to give us a different vantage point_one that we may not be aware of. For this reason, the dragon’s head has the power to stand in the face of opposition. When Rāhu finds his way, he is successful: a teaching from the shadow that has ripened for us to share.

Rāhu is a reminder of the energy it takes to stand up with conviction. Having nothing to lose, this force remembers its path, stays humble and is not afraid to speak loudly and be heard.

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