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March New Moon Creativity Ritual | Virtual | Free

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Enter the creative temple where you will find monthly new moon rituals to support your creative inspiration:

To enter:
1. Follow the link below to Course Craft
2. Create free login and password
3. Cut and paste the code below to enter the portal:

For the past two years, part of my morning ritual ends with the question “who are you?” It is how I connect to the ever-changing mystic which can’t be rationally understood—what I feel is divine presence. Time in that creative void brings forward these images which have connected me to my femininity, informed me of my doubt and continue to support my dialogue with what remains unknown.

She Wisdom is about connecting to the Divine within yourself—a journey to start your own conversation or prayer with Source.

March's New Moon creativity ritual will focus on the Runes and contemplating a continuous pattern. 

All previous creativity rituals are available and always free! You need minimal supplies, no "art" skills at all, just an openness to play. Donations are welcome.