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Imagination: Marks, Rites & Forms | Virtual Temple

Oracular Creativity: Art is a Way of Knowing

This fall we will start this series by honoring our human capacity to create and getting to know the inner artist, color and mark.


Creativity is a language, a way, an un-forged path that is revealed by making. We place ourselves in the alchemical vessel of transformation to ask the big questions we all seek.

Imagination: Marks, Rites & Forms

Allowing ourselves to begin to relate and converse with the imagination can at first feel silly, awkward, and unnecessary. Nevertheless, there is also the sensation of freedom, curiosity, and boundlessness. With time and trust, the imagination becomes a supportive partner that helps us listen more deeply, create without judgment, see clearly, and express our fears and passions.

When we explore a new language or territory, we find unique and creative ways to relate, adapt, and communicate. Often there is some level of frustration if we get lost, or we can’t seem to express what’s in our hearts. Ultimately we learn something about ourselves and grow.

In this series, we will begin by exploring the archetypes of marksrites, and forms
We will ease our way into the creative conversation using simple tools and materials, observing nature, engaging with creative community, sharing, and being witnessed. We will remain open to the oracle of creativity and what it has to offer. 

Week 1: Imagination Initiation 
Week 2: Marks + Mistakes 
Week 3: Rites + Right 
Week 4: Forms + Formless 

Sessions will include a centering practice varying from meditation, pranayama, yoga nidra, movement, and the like. Then we will enter into a creative ritual practice (art-making) and end each session by sharing and witnessing. Participants will receive optional ways to engage while outside of class and small daily practices to continue the conversation with creativity and their relationship with imagination. 

DATES:  Sept 27, October 4, 11, 18
TIME: Monday’s 1:00pm-3:00pm (Mountain Time)
LOCATION: Virtual Zoom Temple

Regular cost
$54 Student rate for those who are in school, studying and can afford a reduced price.
$ Pay what you can, set your own price, or pay it forward option.

Enroll via Donation

This course is for all! You do not need any creative experience at all. This space is also for creatives that enjoy being in circle and engaging with their craft in a new way. As always, we welcome ourselves to practice as we are, suspend our judgment, and invoke a childlike, beginners approach. 

If you cannot join us live students will be provided a re-play of the session.
Participants will have two months access to this course.